Saturday, December 31, 2016

January 1917

Newspaper Headlines (from Chronicling America)

"Germany Views Allied Reply As Flat Peace Refusal," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 1 January 1917, Page 1

"Forces of Central Powers Take Rumanian Heights by Storm," The Ogden [Utah] Standard, 1 January 1917, Page 1

January 7 U.S. Congress continues a probe to determine who leaked President Wilson's secret peace plan to Wall Street traders

"Leaks at White House, Spies Hem in President, says Providence Paper" Washington Times, 7 January 1917

"Munitions Blast Spreads Terror Throughout Northern New Jersey" New York Tribune, Friday 12 January 1917, Page 1.

"Du Pont Mill Blast is Felt in 4 States" New York Tribune, Saturday 13 January 1917, Page 1.

Note: Unknown saboteurs set off the Kingsland Explosion at the Dupont armaments factory at Kingsland (modern-day Lyndhurst, New Jersey), on January 11, 1917. This headline is considered one of the main events leading to United States involvement in WWI.  

According to the Wikipedia article Kingsland explosion:

"Munitions, including shells, shell cases, shrapnel, and powder were shipped to Kingsland from over 100 different factories. At the foundry they were assembled for shipment to Russia. Since it was producing 3 million shells per month . . . the factory [was] a worthy objective for German saboteurs."

Suspects in the case included German and Austrian nationals Curt Thummel and Theodore Wozniak, who were working at the factory, but no one was ever convicted for causing the explosion. The German government has repeatedly denied responsibility for the Kingsland explosion, but paid more than $50 million in reparations to the United States in order to settle lawsuits brought in the 1950s.

See also "Danger in the Harbor: World War I and the Black Tom Explosion of 1916" January 22, 2016 podcast and photo page

"German Plots" in  1917 New York Times Index at Google Books

"Incendiarism hinted in Big Powder Blast," Washington Times, 13 January 1917

"Blasts caused by one man, U.S. Agents Told," Washington Times, 14 January, 1917

"Tom Lawson Names Chairman Henry As Man Who Told Him of Peace 'Leak' " New York Evening World, 15 January 1917

 "Lawson names McAdoo, Pliny Fisk, Senator 'O' " New York Tribune, 16 January 1917

Note: On January 16, 1917 witness Thomas W. Lawson, a Boston financier, testified before the U.S. Congress that Secretary of Treasury William McAdoo, Secretary of State Robert Lansing, German ambassador Johann Bernstorff and Wall Street brokers Bernard Baruch and Paul Warburg gained as much as $2 million dollars from insider trading based on a leak of President Wilson's peace initiative.

"Morgan Is Summoned to Leak Hearing" New York Evening World, 16 January 1917 

"German Raider Sinks 20 Ships; 63 Americans on 2 Lost Vessels; Allies Rush Fleet to Danger Zone," New York Tribune, 18 January 1917, Page 1.

"London Blast Killed Fifty," New York Tribune, 21 January 1917, Page 1

Note: The Silvertown Explosion actually took place on 19 January 1917 (it took two days for the news to travel) and killed more than 50 people. See the Wikipedia article Silvertown explosion, which says the blast at a munitions factory in London "killed 73 and injured more than 400. The resulting fire caused over £2,000,000 worth of damage." 

See also "Silvertown Explosion 1917" at the 20th Century London website, which provides photos and states that more than 50 tons of TNT were detonated at Silvertown, which is south of the Royal Victoria docks on the Thames river -- one of the largest explosions ever in the history of the city of London.

January 22 – WWI: President of the United States Woodrow Wilson calls for "peace without victory" in Germany.

"Wilson Outlines Plans in Senate to Maintain Peace by League of All Nations" Washington Times, 22 January 1917

"Senate in Bitter Debate on Peace Speech by Wilson" Washington Times, 24 January 1917

"Borah Strikes at President's Peace Plans: Offers Resolution in Senate Opposing Alliances with European Powers," Washington Times, 25 January 1917

January 25 WWI: British armed merchantman SS Laurentic is sunk by mines off Lough Swilly (Ireland) with the loss of 354 of the 475 aboard.

An anti-prostitution drive in San Francisco occurs and police close about 200 prostitution houses.

"Kaiser Renews Verdun Attack: Desperate Fighting Marks New Clash on Blood-soaked Ground" Washington Times, 26 January 1917

January 28 – The United States ends its search for Pancho Villa.

"Pershing Now on Way Out of Mexico," Washington Times, 28 January 1917

January 30 – Pershing's troops in Mexico begin withdrawing back to the United States. They reach Columbus, New Mexico, on February 5.

"Baruch Admits Profits of $476,168 But He Denies All Knowledge of Leak," Washington Times, 30 January 1917

Pictorial Reviews of the Year 1916

Punch's Almanack for 1916

Rotogravure, New York Tribune, 31 December 1916


January 1917 Magazine Rack

America Here's My Boy (sheet music)

American Art News (January 6, 1917)

 American Historical Review (January 1917)

L'Art et La Mode (January 1917)

The Atlantic Monthly (January 1917)

Aviation Week (January 1917)

Billboard Magazine (January 1917)

The Bookman (January 1917)

The Century Illustrated Magazine (January 1917)

Collier's: The National Weekly (January 6, 1917)

Collier's: The National Weekly (January 13, 1917)

Collier's: The National Weekly (January 20, 1917)

Collier's: The National Weekly (January 27, 1917)

The Delineator (January 1917)

Detective Story Magazine (January 5, 1917)

Emerson Records 1917 Catalog

Fame and Fortune Weekly (January 5, 1917)

Fame and Fortune Weekly (January 19, 1917)

Film Fun (January 1917)

Flight International Magazine (January 25, 1917)

The Forum (January 1917)

Frank Leslie's American Magazine (January 1917)

Index to stories for January to June 1917

The International Socialist (January 27, 1917)

Good Housekeeping (January 1917)

The Literary Digest (January 6, 1917)

The Literary Digest (January 13, 1917)

The Literary Digest (January 20, 1917)

The Literary Digest (January 27, 1917)

Maclean's (January 1917)

Motion Picture Magazine (January 1917)

Motion Picture News (January 1917)

Motography (January 1917) 

Moving Picture World (January 1917)

Munsey's Magazine (January 1917)

The Nation (January 4, 1917)

The Nation's Business (January 1917)

The New Republic (January 6, 1917)

The New York Clipper (January 1917)

The Outlook (January 3, 1917)

The Photo-Play Journal (January 1917)

Photo-Play Magazine (January 1917)


To view PDF of this issue, click here

Picture-Play Magazine (January 1917)

Popular Mechanics (January 1917)

Punch's Almanack for 1917

The Saturday Evening Post (January 6, 1917)

Saturday Evening Post (January 13, 1917)

Saturday Evening Post (January 20, 1917)

Saturday Evening Post (January 27, 1917)

 "How People Think About The War: The Ending of the War" by H.G. Wells. "A World State Possible."

Scientific American (January 6, 1917)

Scientific American (January 13, 1917)

Scientific American (January 20, 1917)

Scientific American (January 27, 1917)

The Screamer (January 6, 1917)

St. Nicholas: A Magazine for Boys and Girls (Jan. 1917)

Social (January 1917)

Variety (January 1917)

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